Sunday, July 31, 2005

short sprints on the beach

two words: Jeff rules.

So Melissa, Dan and I rode over to Lake Shelbyville for Jeff's Beach Bash of '05. Upon arriving, I saw about 20 million amazing friends from CSF. I quickly changed into my swimming trunks and then the fun began. As I walked out of the shower house, I saw TJ in the distance, waving at me. Immediately, we both took off in a dead sprint toward each other. It was great---two full grown guys sprinting like little school girls across the beach with our arms spread wide. When we reached each other, I jumped on him and we sat there, hugging, in all the amazing awkwardness, until we fell down onto the sand. It only got better from there. Everyone swam, laughed, threw stuff, dunked each other and just generally goofed off. When the day started winding down, we all sat on the beach, and Jeff was gracious enough to let me play his guitar. I had so much fun.

But the fun wasn't over...
Jeff also had a campsite (complete with campfire!) ready for us when we were done at the beach. We ate food and then went over to the campsite. We hung out, played cards, ate smores and then sang worship songs. Jeff Black played guitar and he did a great job. It was awesome!

quick sidenote---I'm so excited for this year. Jeff agreed that we would be playing lots of guitar together when we're both back on campus in the fall. I'm really excited to have someone with whom I can play music to our Father. It's one of my favorite things to do.

Anyways, the night was great, the music was awesome, and the people were so cool. I had a great day and will not soon forget the fellowship and the generosity of Jeff and his family. I was sad because I had to leave the party a little early. I've been sick the past couple of days so we had to cut out just a little early so I could get my beauty sleep.
So yes....awesome party, beautiful day, amazing fellowship...

...and now my head feels like it's gonna 'splode... argggh!!!! sinuses...

One last thing:
The party, yesterday, was a great reminder of how ridiculously blessed I am to know so many people who love Christ. God has placed amazing friends in my life!!! It blows me away that there are so many people around me who exhibit Christ's love in their lives. ....I hope I show the love to them that they have all shown to me...

have a great day guys


Jen said...

You should set it so that people without blogger accounts can leave a comment without having to set up an account to tell you this.

That is all.

Jeffffffffffffffff said...

Now I didn't actually agree to playing together...

Oh maybe I did, either way we should