Sunday, August 07, 2005

I've got blisters on me fingahs!!!

Been playin' a lot of guitar lately... I've developed a real love for playing guitar. Been learning a lot of chords/songs. Hopefully some day all this playing can be used for something good.
Speaking of good....This week/weekend has been amazing. Hung out with some amazing people and saw some people who were dearly missed. We hosted a party last night for those who returned from the 9 week Russia internship. It was a blast. Lots of laughter, frisbee, yelling, and randomness. I was particularly excited when mr. wallace decided to stop being a bum and showed up. He turned 21 at midnight...we helped him celebrate by blowing smoke in his general direction :) Overall, the night consisted of amazing fellowship, lots of food, and an awesome group of people.

Favorite lyrics for the day:
from "Jealous kind" by Jars of Clay

"I built another temple to a stranger
I gave away my heart to the rushing wind
I set my course to run right into danger
Sought the company of fools instead of friends
You know I've been unfaithful
Lovers in lines
While you're turning over tables with the rage of a jealous kind
I chose the gallows to the aisle
Thought that love would never find
Hanging ropes will never keep you
And your love of a jealous kind
Love of a jealous kind
Trying to jump away from rock that keeps on spreading
For solace in the shift of the sinking sand
I'd rather feel the pain all too familiar
Than to be broken by a lover I don't understand
'Cause I don't understand
One hundred other lovers, more, one hundred other altars
If I should slow my pace and finally subject me to grace
And love that shames the wise, betrays the heart's deceit and lies
And breaks the back of foolish pride"

I'm so unfaithful and it's so easy to wallow in the pain that comes from my unfaithfulness. It is so easy to wallow in my own selfish sadness. There are too many times when I choose to put myself first----I choose to mope. I get into a situation in which I don't understand what I am doing and I become disheartened or uncertain. But I don't have to be. The compelling purpose of God is so much bigger than the insignificant details of my life. A certain cool second mom was telling me how one of the things about which I was worrying was merely a "speck." How easy, but so wonderfully difficult to actually rest in the fact that God will work no matter what I do. "I don't understand" and it continually "breaks the back" of my foolish pride to realize that God doesn't need me for anything. But He loves me anyway! He is truly a lover that i don't understand. I'm so unfaithful and am in need of His amazing grace! The word "unworthy" comes to mind...
...I get so worked up on "working my way to Jesus" (five iron song) when all I need to do is crawl up into His lap and fill my sponge with his love and wisdom. His grace is sufficient...

sorry this is random. Lots of different stuff runnin through my head right now... I think some really big stuff is gonna go down this year. love to talk about it in person w/ ya

have a great day guys

1 comment:

Jen said...

Thanks for posting this, even if you think it's random.