Monday, August 15, 2005

Photos from the north country!

Went to Vermillion Falls today. It was quite fun. I made sure to bring a camera along just so I could give some of you guys a glimpse of what you're missing. :)

So here it is...we got there at like 3:30. I immediately made my way down to the rocks so that I could pose for a picture for the blog...

Aren't I pretty? I'm not. But for some reason I kept wanting to be in the pictures. Dad took a million of me next to water, or crawling around on the rocks or running around recklessly...upon further review, I think I'm very vain and was just trying to impress you guys. It was a painful lesson for me when I looked back through the pictures in the van on the way home. I still get caught up in trying to show off. In reality, I'm a huge wimp and those pictures hid that fact. It was yet another example of how I seem to spit in the face of God by putting myself on a pedestal when I really should be giving HIM the glory for such an amazing creation. So I decided to leave out the pictures in which I was showing off. How bout, instead, we look at the things that are REALLY beautiful.

The water was really down, but it was still gorgeous.

The above picture is from the bottom of the falls.

Absolutely breathtaking in real life.

Two rivers meeting to head into the falls beautiful...

Those rocks are my favorite place to play when the water is low. They're really flat and are a very great place to sit and just be quiet. Sadly, they're right next to the falls. So usually the water is much higher and all of those rocks are covered in tons of rushing, foamy water.

Trees run along all of the lake shores in northern Minnesota. That is, unless a resort decides to pummel the landscape with cabins and beaches. We're pretty much in Canada right now. I think that Vermillion falls is technically a part of the boundary waters which means no private property. However, they were allowed to put in the deck that you see below. It hangs right out over the falls. It's pretty sweet.

Stupid tourists....

*cough* I mean *cough*

...Hi Dad and brother Scott!

Awww! Brothers spending time together! *sniff* (emotional moment)

So I noticed that Scott has grown like four feet since the last time I saw him. I figured that I would try to stop this whole puberty thing from getting out of control. Can't have baby brother taking his older brother's place as the man of the house, can we?

Puberty hit Scott. Scott hit me...

Didn't see it coming...

He's the youngest child, but the biggest stud of the family.

Good one on which to end. Beautiful place. God's hand is definitely all over this stuff. Northern Minnesota kind of helps me remember just how small and out of control I really am. His creation is so beautiful. Just think how much more beautiful He will be when we meet him face to face...

Can't wait to see you guys...have an excellent night.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
