Monday, September 19, 2005


I have to admit I've definitely been seeing God working on this campus this year. There have been so many people at CSF! I've been absolutely overwhelmed. It's amazing to look out over the huge crowd and remember that the Spirit works in every single one of these people! Their coming was the result of the very active Spirit. In our Father's pursuit of His children, He led each person into that room. Not to make CSF look good...not to make any certain people in CSF look good...not even to make Todd and Gretchen look good even though they both ALWAYS look good... :), but to glorify our fiercely loving Father. I'm sure there is more to say about it, but I don't want to pretend like God's huge purpose for us actually makes sense to me. All I know is that He is doing a bunch of stuff.

...and then there's me. In the midst of all this excitement, I've noticed that I can't shut up. It has been so hard just to have prayer time in which I calm and quiet my soul. I've been filled with joy about so many things. But because I've been busy, it has been hard to really reflect on the amazing things God has been doing.

Instead I've been focusing on myself...
I've been frustrated with my own selfishness in so many different ways. It's so easy, when I get busy, to start thinking about myself. I've definitely seen a need for grace lately as I struggle through certain things. All these crummy emotions and my general pride (stupidity) have left me a little distant. Matt showed me this guy's ( ) blog the other day and I could relate pretty well to what he said. I think we've been distant for different specific reasons, but the same conclusions can definitely be drawn----God chooses to pursue us even though we're turds.

Thank God.

Quick random example of God doing....something

I'm not gonna say too much about it, but I wonder if God, since I can't shut up, had to use a really weird place to nudge me. I don't want to say too much on here yet but let me just say that I may or may not have been convicted/called/nudged/something...i really have no idea...

...during a practice LSAT.


yeah...that's what i've been saying.

who knows? I'll talk more about it later, but some interesting stuff is going down tomorrow that may or may not have a large or small impact on the life of David.

wow could I be more vague?

maybe...maybe not :)

who knows what's goin on? I sure dont that's for sure. I'm not in charge... :)

Good night guys

p.s. --sorry Herschel...I don't even know you and I think I just called you a turd in my blog... :)

1 comment:

Herschel said...

its all good ok with being called a turd by some guy i havent even met ;)