Saturday, November 12, 2005

darn you matt wallace...

interesting story...

So i love green tea. Some of you may already know this. Holly Reuter, (good friend of mine from work) has always hooked me up with green tea and it has always been amazing. Her grandmother owns an organic type store and so Holly always goes home and raids it for me and won't let me pay (sweet freakin deal). Well she brought me some more green tea on Friday and I was all excited because I had just run out of my favorite kind. As I was sitting there, telling everyone at work about how awesome this tea was, I thought it might not be a bad idea to share my favorite tea with the blog world as well. so I got online and started surfing a few blogs...

...and I see that matt wallace has a picture of his favorite tea up.

Now I love matt wallace. He's a cool guy...most of the time :). ...and he has a great blog. He has definitely helped me out with my blog quite a bit. He helped me out with a lot of the code stuff for my blog. I thought his idea of sharing music and books to others was a great idea so I put it on mine too. I love letting other people know about some of the stuff that has been encouraging me lately because I hope that it might encourage them as well.

so yeah...we have some similar stuff on our blogs.

but tea? I did NOT expect to see another suggestion for tea on anyone else's blog.

what the crap?

Are we twins? ...or are we both just really HUGE nerds?

Yeah probably the latter.

So anyway, even though Matt somehow beat me to the punch(it still creeps me out), I HAVE to share this tea with everyone. I drink it about as much as I drink water these days.

Green freakin tea. It's amazing. I would recommend it to anyone who gets stressed out over classes or anything else. Find a friend and spend an hour just drinking green tea together. I have a tea buddy (and no it is NOT matt) and the time we spend together is one of my most relaxing times of the week. It seems like we will find any excuse to have tea time.

so yes...

Try this stuff out. It is amazing.

do'll be glad.

have a good one guys



Anonymous said...

hooray tea!

i <3 green tea!

i'm sorry matt beat you. it's ok though. at least they're different. and at least people can get can't get princess yava in the US...i've tried :(



flowergirl said...

YEAH!!!! I'm right with you on Zen Tazo tea, I brought 8...yes 8 boxes of that stuffed into baggies with the air taken out of them here with me to Russia and often enjoy it. Have you tried it with a little bit of milk/cream? just a little bit. It's yummy.


Herschel said...

green tea huh....and you reccomend zen from tazo? hmmm..i might just have to try it

Jeffffffffffffffff said...

this tea thing has got to stop

Matt W said...

Tea is great.

Herschel, I knew you'd fall into it.

Sorry we're the same person, Lasley.

Erin, you are less than 3 green teas?

Misty, I have started putting milk in mine, I love it.

Jeff, you want some tea?

Herschel said...

do you drink it straight or with sugar or honey or whiskey or what

dlaz said...

I drink it straight. Misty and Matt apparently like milk w/ it. They're subject to ridicule for that...but oh well.