Friday, December 16, 2005

what did you learn?

It's the end of the semester. woot.

This was by far my hardest semester thus far. Lots of school work and just enough actual work.

What I learned in my classes:

-the first attempt at constructing a railroad began with rails at the top of a hill (attempt at transporting coal which was also at the top of the hill). It ended up with the train engine getting to the bottom of the hill and crashing straight into a river (also at the base of the hill).

-Weber's work is actually not a bad read when compared to Marx, Engels, etc.

-psych courses continue to be amazingly easy courses :)

-The Cold War was ridiculously stupid.

-the Sixties really don't make much sense

---and the most ridiculous quote ever. this was actually frequently aired on television during the campaign.----

"I'm running against an actor, and you know who shot Lincoln, don't cha?"

-Edmund "Pat" Brown on a TV commercial during his campaign (Reagan's 1966 opponent for Governor of California)

flyin' out tomorrow morning. avoiding packing right now. bracing myself for some REAL cold weather...

have a good one guys :)


erinlizabeth said...

uh, yeah psych classes are easy...hence i'm a psych major


have a good break, and you should keep us updated

Shelly said...

Dave! Have a great break and I hope you keep us updated on how things are going! I want details on how BEAUTIFUL it is up there :)
