Tuesday, October 31, 2006


So it's halloween...boo

Not really much of a fan of scary movies, costumes, or anything else that is supposed to freak me out. I don't know...just never appealed to me. I used to feel like a sissy but now I feel kind of like the last thing I want to see is more reminders of death and horror. Don't we have enough? Do we need to continue to try to keep pushing for ways to excite ourselves?
ok i'm off of my soapbox. some people like getting their kicks from scary movies, i'm clearly too attached to the money machine (also known as professional sports) so i guess I don't have too much room to talk.

Ok so I guess I'm always late on everything, but I would really recommend "B Collision" by David Crowder Band. It's short, but very well done. I really enjoy just how simple and laid back it is. It was perfect for my fall afternoon drives home from observation at Sacred Heart Griffin High School last week.

I've really been thinking about rest lately. Seems simple I suppose. I'm seeing that if I don't take the time to stop, I don't really give myself much of an opportunity to regain perspective. I kind of hit on it in the twoguysinavan.blogspot post that we finished on. God's totally using what He taught me this summer and seems to be building on it. This idea of resting--taking time to be ok and not try to prove anything. We were really really busy this summer, but in a different way than I am now. I'm still learning about this adjustment and living in the every day monotony. In the midst of this, its easy for me to forget that I need to stop and breathe, rehearse what I know, and let go of what I can't figure out and just pray that God knows what He's up to....and then maybe read Lord of the Rings :)

Now that I'm at school, rest has been a little more difficult. The day to day stuff isn't nearly as exciting as driving to a different part of the country every week. Being intentional in a place where I've been for more than three years sometimes seems a lot harder than in short week-long stints. Not only being intentional with other people, but being intentional in my relationship with God. Being busy with work, school, observation, social events, intramural sports, CSF events(I want to make sure I say that none of these things are necessarily bad, but they can't be the point), sometimes gives me a distraction (or perhaps a hiding place?) from Him and limits the amount of time and energy I put into the most important relationship of my existence. . If I'm not rooted in the love and grace of Christ first, these things don't matter.

So observation is almost done, and it's easy to make the excuse that I can rest when I'm done with observation. I know it's a lie. I guess I'm just typing it here so that I have another place to rehearse it.

so i suppose I should stop typing and put my money where my mouth is?

yeah... :)

good night! hello - to those of you in distant lands! (minnesota and florida specifically) love you guys and miss you a ton.


Matt W said...

Florida? Who's in Florida?

Rest. I love the idea. And I love your thoughts on it. Couldn't agree more.

Jeffffffffffffffff said...

I like it I like it I like the B Collision