Thursday, December 07, 2006


I don't know if there's anyone who reads my blog and doesn't read matt and heather's, but if not, check out the last couple posts.

It's thursday night. I'm getting ready to go play wii at tj's and I'm pretty hyped up. Pretty upbeat on emotions right now. I'm pretty excited.

I feel like it's a weird place. It's deceiving because there's so much good in feeling temporarily upbeat and cheery, but it can be a terrible thing on which to rely. His truth isn't impacted in any way or changed based upon what I'm feeling today.


Few things in my life for those whom I love but don't see or with whom I don't speak often

-School is almost over and I only have one final left.
-the mission trip to mexico is rapidly approaching.
-Eragon comes out December 15th
-I am falling in love with Indian culture (the country, India).
-God is making himself known through several broken relationships in my life that are being miraculously healed only by His grace and power. I can take no credit for it. Praise God. Make a joyful noise to the Lord. (can I stress this one enough? this one was so hugely out of human capability to fix...)
-I passed my content area test so I will be student teaching in the fall(rather than spring 08)
-God has something in store for me for my free summer and I'm excited to learn what it will be...
-I'm excited that while Indian culture celebrates some awesome festivals with a lot of awesome food and interesting traditions, we have a holiday that is set aside to remember Christ. I want to celebrate by tradition in moderation, but pray and worship without ceasing. I want to do this and learn more about what it meant for Him to be here yet to be God.

oh and I busted out drunkard's prayer by over the rhine...and it's pretty dang good.

ok i'm gonna go play wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Matt W said...

thanks for the plug for our blog!

Herschel said...

praise God for fixing broekn relationships...He is the best at that