Friday, July 22, 2005

Dan is alive! Soon I will force a green ribbon on him!

Dan is alive! Dan is my roommate this summer. He went on a mission trip to Russia with the Christian Student Fellowship group from campus. I guess on his way back he got really sick. So after being escorted off of the plane in a wheelchair, having fun with hospital visits and a couple days in bed, Dan decided to come back to me. Woot! I missed him a great deal and am very glad to know that he is alive and well.

In other news...
Liz Morales and myself are trying to start a green ribbon campaign for Darfur. The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness on campus. I really hope that this thing gets BIG. This is a situation of which too few people have been made aware. We, as a people, have essentially ignored the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Even now, as action is finally being taken, it is easy to see just how slow we have been in stopping this tragedy. If you don't know about Darfur, go to the "save darfur" link on my links list. Once you are at the site, I would recommend taking a look at the "latest news" link and the "situation in darfur" link. Both will provide a decent account of what has been and is happening in the western region of Sudan. I have green ribbons and pins for anyone who is interested.
Just because we cannot see these people, doesn't mean that they don't exist.

One last thing...
John and I are trying to get the recycling bins back out so that we can recycle our stuff again. Anyone who reads this that lives on campus, start separating that trash again. We'll try and get it going soon.

Maybe I can get Dan to wear a ribbon...

....I'll pin it to his nose while he's sleeping. That'll show him for running away from me!
oh how I enjoy our brotherly love in Christ :)

I'm out kids
Have a great day!

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