Monday, July 25, 2005

I'm hungry! I'm tired! I can't breathe!

So it's Monday...
I'm cool with Mondays. A lot of people complain about them, but I kind of like them. It's the start of a whole new week. However, hot mondays are not so cool (pun! hahaha!). The house in which I'm currently living decided that it likes heat. So it didn't buy an air conditioner! How rude! My house is out to get me. It tried to kill me last night. It tried to make the bedroom so stuffy that I almost died! Really! I did! ...

...ok maybe I didn't...

...but I could've!

ok maybe not

Thank goodness it will be Tad's problem in 5 days :). Anyways, I guess the heat index at noon was 100. So that is neat. Sleep isn't coming very easily, but I"m gonna fix that tonight. My good friend John Kelly offered his place this evening.
So I said:


We'll stay up late and talk about fashion and food and hair and girls and jellybeans and sprinkles and stickers and Oprah and sports and ponies and music and love and shoes and unicorns and m 'n' m's!!! It's gonna be amazing! I'm actually excited. He has air conditioning. Don't get me wrong, I do not need air conditioning by any means. I've been living without it all summer and have actually enjoyed it. But when it's 90 degrees at dusk, then I start to struggle a little. I know...I'm weak...

Favorite lyrics this week:

"you're my one good thing"

...a simple, powerful line

I constantly have to remind myself that real satisfaction and life will only come through Jesus Christ. He is my only source of REAL pure good. Furthermore, there is nothing I can actually do to earn this. He freely gives it! So ridiculous. I cannot believe that He loves me so much that even though I'm a complete pile o' crap, He still chooses to love me no matter what. Life will truly only be found in Him. No one else will provide it. Satisfaction will be temporary if I seek it from other sources. I'm so thankful that He loves me even though I rarely love Him.

love you guys
have a great day


Gretchen Magruder said...

I feel your pain...or your sweat...or something like that...our air conditioner has decided that our home should never be cooler than 86's playing these mind games with us by running and blowing air that's just barely cool so we hold out hope and keep the doors and windows shut. This is kinda like that 80's horror movie about the possessed car....only it's a house...oh, except I don't believe our house is possessed....I'm delirious from the heat.....

dlaz said...

lol...well my house is possessed. So there!

What's really great is that I came out to marigold 23 to do homework...and it was just my luck--their air conditioner broke.

Maybe God's preparing me for mission work...

...near the equator. who knows?

Nanette said...

*sigh* it's rough...

our air cools to about 70. i'm sleeping in sweatshirts here...

maybe i'll be a missionary in alaska? ;)

...anyway. i feel your pain--kinda.