Sunday, November 12, 2006


So I started shopping for a computer last week and I was completely overwhelmed. I've tried to educate myself at least a little bit on this whole thing and I'm still at a loss. I don't really have a passion for computers or the the computer I end up purchasing will not have to jump through flaming hoops and wrestle a bull.

Help? I'm looking for a fast, affordable, reliable computer that has a word processor and can get me on the internet.

It's really quite simple, why does it have to get so complicated?
(note the irony after the previous post....thanks matt. I appreciated the message in your comment.)

yeah yeah the vikings least the cardinals won the world series :)



Matt W said...

Haha, no problem. It's too bad I don't appreciate it. If only I understood what it meant to represent God instead of myself. I think that's the point you were making in the post.

As for computers, you know what I think. ;-)

dlaz said...

Would you be willing to go into specifics about your computer? What "stuff" is on it? My folks are sold on apple as well, I'm just not sure if it's worth the investment for a college student.

dlaz said...

since i needed to tell you that I'm in college... wow

Matt W said...

Well, I think an Apple is always a good investment, it's just more stable than a PC. But, if you're doing no more than Internet surfing and word stuff, it may be a waste of good porcessing power. As you know, Apples are not cheap. They run pretty high in the laptop market, so maybe it would be a good idea to go another way and a little cheaper.

Matt W said...

You're in college?

How's the Missionary Convention? Wish I was there.