Wednesday, July 20, 2005

It's about as useless as a screen door on a submarine...

So it's 9:48 and I officially have the greatest slacker's job ever. I get to work today and come to find out that there is nothing to clean this morning. So we are told BY OUR SUPERVISORS to go to a storage room and hang out until they can come up with something for us to do. I'm not really sure how I feel about this...I guess we are getting paid to be available.

The purpose of this post isn't really to talk about my job. I was sitting around the other night and was thinking about how little I do for people in need. Sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed at the amount of people who simply need a meal--something that even a lower middle class American could provide. This is especially hitting home right now because of the situation in the western region of Sudan. Aside from the horrific conflict that is going on over there, the people are entering the "hunger season." Basically, this is the time after harvest and before planting. There are over 3 million lives that will be at stake. And here I my air conditioning...with a stomach that could be full whenever I want it to be...
Yet another Rich Mullins song came to mind as I was sitting in my house with hardwood floors, a tv, a bed with two mattresses, a laptop, a kitchen filled to the brim with frozen chicken and boxed macaroni, golf clubs, tennis racquets, cd's...argh get the picture.

The song references Matthew 7:15-20, Hebrews 6:9-10 and James 2:14-26

It's about as useless as
A screen door on a submarine
Faith without works baby
It just ain't happenin'
One is your left hand
One is your right
It'll take two strong arms
To hold on tight
Some folks cut off their nose
Just to spite their face
I think you need some works to show
For your alleged faith
Well there's a difference you know
Between having faith
And playing make believe
One will make you grow
The other one just make you sleep
Talk about it
But I really think you oughtta
Take a leap off of the ship
Before you claim to walk on water
Faith without works
Is like a song you can't sing
It's about as useless as
A screen door on a submarine

Awesome song. So many times I focus on the growth of my "personal" faith with God when I forget that if I really want it to grow, it should be exhibited in my service of other people. One tiny, insignificant step in the "right" direction recently was in my decision to set aside some cash for a child in need. The organization through which the money is used is called Compassion International. The link is on my little links list. What I love about it is that it not only sends money to the child, but contact between the sponsor and the child is maintained. I sent a letter to my new buddy the other week and am eagerly anticipating his return. For more information hit that link. If you still have any questions please contact me.

So about my new buddy: His name is Harry Salazar. He's from northwest Peru. He lives with his mother and grandfather, neither of whom seems to have a consistent job. He loves sports and looking at cars. Cool kid huh? What's even cooler is that his bday is in late April (so is mine!). Certainly my type of kid :).

I would like to make one thing clear. I really don't want to guilt trip anyone into sponsoring a child. I'm sure there are people who will find a better allocation of their resources. I just think that there are many times in my life when I become complacent simply because I don't know what direction to take. It's not that I don't want to serve people, it's more of that I don't know how I can help. This is a very easy way to start. It is a real, practical way to exhibit our faith to others who are desperately seeking resources, and more importantly, hope.

New favorite quote: "ignorance is NOT bliss" courtesy of know who you are...
Ignoring the problems of this world do not make them go away. We can sit in our middle class houses and think that everything is fine, but the reality is that this world is broken. There are people who we cannot see that desperately need help, love, and most importantly, hope.

Thank God that He loves us fiercely and has amazing grace..especially during those times when I become complacent...

Have a great day guys.


Nanette said...

Rock on, Dave!!! "Faith without works is dead", right?

Anonymous said...

Was surfing, looking for the words to this song, when I found your blog. I love your thoughts. Consider this, too, in regards to faith. The parable of the talents. What are we supposed to do with our FAITH? Dig a hole and let it lie dormant, or plant it and nourish it, watch it grow and share it?